Visitor’s visa into Canada

Visitor's visa into Canada

A lot of people are getting visitor's visas in Canada and I have heard and seen many things.

Let me tell you some things:

1. Make sure you are visiting a family or friend because nobody will give you accommodation as a visitor. You are literally ON YOUR OWN.

2. 99% are looking for ways to convert their visitor's visa to a work visa. This is VERY VERY Hard. A lot of people are still stranded till now. Most people who say they will help you may eventually tell you to do asylum.

3. Your best bet is to apply for school Admission and hopefully get a study visa and then convert. This is legal.

4. 99% of people you will see will tell you to do asylum. Asylum is always sweet initially because Govt will take care of your needs. But don't forget that you can be either denied or approved.

Denial is more than approval but they won't tell you this truth.

5, Read about what you want to come and do in Canada yourself. Desperation will make you regret it.

Reach out to us for more info.....

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