Choose Canada

Choose Canada

Canada is looking for skilled workers to help grow the economy and enrich the country’s culture. Canada offers newcomers opportunities and great spaces to build their lives safely. See the many reasons you should choose to immigrate to Canada and how to apply.

Come to Canada through Express Entry
Express Entry is one way Canada manages applications for its immigration programs. By applying through Express Entry, you could immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker.

How to apply
Find out if you’re eligible
Answer a few questions about your language skills, education and work experience to see if you meet the minimum requirements.

If you have language test results

You’ll need to complete a language test before checking your eligibility and submitting a profile.

If you don’t have language test results

Find out how you would rank in the Express Entry pool.

Create your profile
If you’re eligible, create a profile and wait to be invited to apply. Your profile will be valid for 12 months. You’ll need language test results to create your profile.

Check your score
You’ll get a score based on your answers. Speaking French gets you extra points, which means more chances to get invited to apply for permanent residence.

Get an invitation and apply
If you’re invited to apply for permanent residence, you’ll have 60 days to submit your

supporting documents and
language test results
Depending on your work experience and occupation, you may receive an invite in the next round of invitations. If you fit into one of the priority categories this calendar year, such as French-language proficiency, now is the best time to apply!

Learn about the alternative application process for persons with disabilities.

Why choose Canada?
There are many reasons people choose Canada as a place to live and work.

Job opportunities
Skilled French-speaking and bilingual immigrants are an important part of Canada’s economy.

Start your job search today.
Attend the Destination Canada Mobility Forum.
Start a business in Canada or bring your company here.

There are many services for newcomers, offered in French and English, to help you and your family settle.

Also, as a permanent resident, you can apply for services available to all Canadian citizens, such as universal health care and child care.


World-class education
When you make Canada your new home, you and your family will have access to one of the highest-quality education systems in the world.

Safety and freedom
Respecting and celebrating different cultures and ideas is an essential Canadian value. This makes the Canadian crime rate very low. Canada is consistently ranked one of the safest countries in the world.

Settling in a community offering services in French
Canada offers support and services for you and your family.

Fourteen communities outside of Quebec are

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